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Clinical Anatomy

Raymond W. Liu, MD, Assistant Professor

Dr. Liu’s clinical and research focus is complex hip and limb deformity in the pediatric population. Many of his projects are anatomically focused and utilize the Hamann Todd Osteological Collection. This unique collection of approximately 3,000 skeletons allows us to answer clinically relevant research questions that most researchers cannot study. Ongoing projects include: the association between leg length discrepancy and angular knee deformity with the development of arthritis of the spine, hips and knees; characterization of the complex deformity in slipped capital femoral epiphysis; description of the distal femoral physis with relevance to distal femoral screw placement; and an anatomical study and warning regarding the most commonly used radiographs of the knee.

Dr. Liu is also involved in multiple clinical studies regarding pediatric hip reconstruction and pediatric trauma, and biomechanical studies based on sawbones models. Trainees are encouraged to participate in at least two separate projects to maximize the prospect of one or more peer-viewed publications.