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Reducing Stroke Risk in African-American Men

TEAM 2 (TargetEd MAnageMent Intervention)

african american man with trumpet


AGE: ≥18 years old
TYPE: Educational Study
CONDITION: Stroke or Mini-Stroke

Learn More About This Research Study

Please contact Beth Lute at 216-983-1626 or complete the online form below for more information about this study.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this research study is to find out if a group educational and behavioral intervention, called TargetEd MAnageMent Intervention (TEAM), helps African-American men with reducing their stroke risk factors.

Who Can Participate

African American men who have had a stroke or TIA (mini-stroke) within the past five years may be eligible for this study. Participants will be asked to come to the W.O. Walker Center or the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Dahms Clinical Research Unit (DCRU) for six study assessment visits, one individual session, five group educational session visits (over 8 weeks) and six brief phone calls over a 12 week period. If you are not able to come in for a visit at the W.O. Walker Center or the DCRU you may be able to complete some of your visits over the internet or by phone, at your own home by trained personnel or by doing some procedures yourself at home. Study staff will discuss with you the most appropriate way to obtain all of the study information from you.

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Study ID#:

  • STUDY20190896