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OPtimizing Technology to Improve Medication Adherence and Blood Pressure Control (OPTIMA-BP)

woman at the doctor's office
Age: 50+ years old
Sex at Birth: All
Type: Interventional Study
Condition: Hypertension
Healthy Participants: No
Location: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Learn More About This Research Study

For more information, please contact study coordinator, Principal Investigator, Dr. Carolyn Still at 216-844-3798 and leave a message or complete the online form below.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this study is to find out if a technology-based intervention, OPtimizing Technology to Improve Medication Adherence and Blood Pressure Control (OPTIMA-BP), helps African Americans with self-managing their hypertension.

Who Can Participate

African American participants 50 years of age or older diagnosed with hypertension may be eligible for this study.

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