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REBIRTH Observational Cohort: Evaluation of Myocardial Recovery in Breastfeeding Women with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

African American woman holding her chest
AGE: 18 years and older
GENDER: Female
TYPE: Interventional Device Study
CONDITION: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, Postpartum
LOCATIONS: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Learn More

For more information, please contact the study coordinator, Emily Mulenax at 216-844-3852 or complete the form below.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this randomized placebo controlled research study is to evaluate the impact of the investigational drug, bromocriptine, on myocardial recovery and clinical outcomes. Given that bromocriptine prevents breastfeeding, an additional 50 women with peripartum cardiomyopathy excluded from the trial due to a desire to continue breastfeeding but meeting all other entry criteria will be followed in an observational cohort.

Who Can Participate

Participants 18 years and older who are newly diagnosed with peripartum cardiomyopathy post-delivery and within the first 5 months post-partum may be eligible for this study.
