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Health Services and Outcomes Research

The research in the emerging field of Health Services and Outcomes Research encompasses several interrelated areas, including the use of large healthcare and tumor registry databases, decision analysis, and identification of risk factors and outcome prediction in common gastrointestinal conditions. There is an active collaboration of divisional faculty with the Departments of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences and the Center for Community Health Integration.

Dr. Gregory Cooper’s main interests are large database research, alternative screening and surveillance strategies, and interventions to improve cancer prevention and control services. Dr. Linda Cummings’ interests include large database research evaluating adverse events with sedation for endoscopic procedures and outcomes related to gastrointestinal cancer treatment.

Division investigators have successfully obtained grant funding from the NIH, the American Cancer Society, and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. They have published extensively in the gastroenterology, oncology, and health service literature.