Healthy Pregnancy Handbook
To help prepare you for your pregnancy and childbirth experience, University Hospitals offers this online pregnancy handbook. This comprehensive guide covers things such as prenatal appointments and tests, diet and nutrition, pregnancy do’s and don’ts, signs of labor, breastfeeding, and much more.
This guide goes over many of most common questions and concerns about pregnancy and childbirth, but if you still have questions, your provider will be able to provide further clarity and information.
What to Expect: Pregnancy Timeline
Learn about what happens during the three trimesters of pregnancy – including symptoms you may experience and your baby’s development.
Prenatal Care
It is important to get regular prenatal care throughout your pregnancy. Learn about choosing a provider and what to expect at your prenatal appointments.
Screenings, Tests and Procedures
Ultrasounds, genetic testing, gestational diabetes screenings and more – learn about the tests and procedures you may undergo as part of your prenatal care.
Diet and Nutrition
Learn about key nutrients, food safety guidelines, and weight gain during pregnancy.
Dos and Don’ts of Pregnancy
What should be avoided during pregnancy, and what is considered safe and healthy? Find out more about pregnancy do’s and don’ts.
Prenatal Classes & Support Groups
UH offers classes on childbirth, infant care, breastfeeding and more, as well as support groups for new parents.
Labor & Childbirth
Learn about the signs of labor, what to bring with you to the hospital, delivery methods, and more.
After Your Baby is Born
Learn about skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding resources, as well as postpartum care after going home.
Babyscripts myJourney App
When you are an expectant or new parent, use our trusted resource to guide you through pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the first year of your baby’s life via the Babyscripts myJourney app.
The app provides resources, tips, and reminders for your pregnancy from OBGYN experts at University Hospitals and for your baby from the pediatric experts at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s delivered right to you, any time, any place, through the easy-to-use mobile app.
Download the Babyscripts myJourney app at the Apple or Google Play app stores and ask your OB providers office to send you your unique access code.