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Ear, Hearing and Balance Center

Comprehensive Care for All Types of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be gradual or sudden, temporary or permanent, depending on the cause. In almost every case, there are treatments available. The ENT experts at University Hospitals have the advanced training to evaluate each patient and provide a personalized plan of care to restore function and improve quality of life.

Make an appointment with an ear, hearing and balance expert

If you are experiencing hearing loss or balance problems, call 440-732-3821 to schedule an appointment with an ENT doctor or audiologist at a location near you.

Types of Hearing Loss

Additional Conditions that Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED)

Certain autoimmune disorders can cause rapidly progressing hearing loss, tinnitus and balance-related symptoms. Our experts, including neurotologists and rheumatologists, take a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with AIED using state-of-the-art vestibular and audiological testing methods.


Inner ear damage can be caused by many medications, including chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, diuretics and more. In many cases, ototoxicity can also cause tinnitus and balance problems. Our expert team of audiologists, otologists and oncologists works collaboratively to diagnose and manage ototoxicity related to chemotherapy and other medications.


Viral or bacterial infections of the inner ear can cause hearing loss and balance deficits. Depending on the etiology, management with steroids or antibiotics is most commonly used. In cases of persistent vestibular issues, vestibular rehabilitation may be recommended.

Advanced Diagnostic Tests for Hearing Loss

There can be many causes of hearing loss, including long-term exposure to loud noises, nerve damage in the ears, viral or bacterial infections, head injury, tumors or stroke. It can also be an inherited condition or simply due to the aging process.

To help determine the specific cause of your hearing loss, UH offers specialized hearing tests performed by an audiologist – a professional trained to evaluate, measure and treat hearing problems. Based on test results, a comprehensive treatment plan will be developed to help manage the patient’s hearing loss or balance disorder. These tests may include:

Customized Treatment Options for Hearing Loss

University Hospitals offers many advanced and highly effective treatments for hearing loss, including:

Make an appointment with an ear, hearing and balance expert

If you are experiencing hearing loss or balance problems, call 216-844-6000 today to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with an ENT doctor or audiologist at a location near you.