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Education & Training

The Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellowship Program at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is an ACGME - accredited three-year training program that offers exceptional training in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, pancreatology, nutrition and endoscopic procedures.

The goal of the fellowship program is to train fellows to become independent and productive academic pediatric gastroenterologists or leaders in clinical practice. The fellowship emphasizes:

  • The advancement of the field of pediatric gastroenterology
  • Advocacy for the gastrointestinal and nutritional health of children
  • Skills necessary for lifelong learning

Learn More About Our Education Components

Our fellows receive comprehensive training through direct patient care, extensive didactic, conferences and rotations. Our fellowship program emphasizes clinical training during the first year and research during the subsequent two years. However, during years two and three, clinical skills will continue to be developed.

Clinical Training

Research Training


Representative Schedule

First Year
Inpatient rotation: 8 months
Research: 1 month
Endoscopy rotation: 2 months
Vacation: 1 month

Second Year
Inpatient rotation: 2 months
Research 8 months
Specialty clinic rotation: 1 month
Endoscopy rotation: 1 day per week
Vacation: 1 month

Third Year
Inpatient rotation: 2 months
Research: 8 months
Junior attending rotation: 1 month
Endoscopy rotation: 1 day per week
Vacation: 1 month