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Sports Medicine Programs for All Young Athletes

From elite athletes to little leaguers too young to throw curves, our Sports Medicine Center at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital provides evaluation and treatment services to athletes of all ages.

Pre-Participation Exams for Injury Prevention

Our comprehensive pre-participation physical exams go far beyond just fulfilling school paperwork requirements. They can identify problems that might predispose children to injury. Exams include an assessment of flexibility, strength and balance, limb length, foot imbalance, joint stability and posture. We also address medical issues such as asthma, flat feet, pediatric hip problems, hip pain, foot pain, foot deformities, septic hip and other foot disorders. We can administer hip ultrasounds and address hip fractures.

Fitness Assessments for Children

Our team can conduct performance enhancement and injury prevention exams to test children in action. This enables us to determine fitness, ability, areas for improvement, and strategies that help athletes get stronger and prevent problems. We can provide a complete report of the child’s performance to primary physicians and the child’s coach.

Nutritional Counseling for Enhanced Health

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s sports medicine specialists in Cleveland, Ohio, can advise parents and children on energy needs, hydration and diet. We can also help with eating disorder issues and bone density health, which are important concerns affecting some young athletes. Our physicians understand the dangers of premature osteoporosis and know what is needed to prevent and correct bone loss.

Performance Enhancement Program

For young athletes ready to improve their game, our rehabilitation team provides a performance enhancement program. Offered weekly in small classes at local health clubs, these programs measure a child’s abilities, including agility, strength, and jumping and devise techniques for improvement.

Northeast Ohio’s Only Dedicated Pediatric Surgical Center

When young athletes need emergency surgical help, the Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Pediatric Surgery Center is the only surgical facility in Northeast Ohio specifically designed for pediatric patients. UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s pediatric anesthesiologists are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for immediate medical attention when necessary.