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Patient Resources

At UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospitals Pediatric Trauma Center, we are committed to providing the very best care for injured children and well as offering helpful resources for parents and families. These resources serve as educational tools and can help parents navigate their child’s care.

Guide to Surgery

Our guide to surgery helps children and families prepare for surgery. We guide you through what to expect on the day of surgery and provide post-surgery instructions for after you return home.

Injury Prevention & Safety

The UH Rainbow Injury Prevention Center provides education and resources to help keep kids safe.

Patient Stories

Follow some of the inspirational stories of our pediatric trauma patients.

Emergency Referral Services

Providers can arrange for transfer by contacting the Transfer Referral Center:
216-844-PEDS or 1-800-421-9199

Pediatric Emergency Department:

Inpatient information: