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Pediatric Sedation Unit

Children sometimes need extra reassurance or calm for different procedures or tests. University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital’s Pediatric Sedation Unit (PSU) is a special group of our pediatric team members with expertise in providing sedation for children. If your child needs difficult or invasive tests or procedures and is naturally worried or frightened, our PSU specialists will see to it that your experience is as calm and stress free as possible. Having your child calm and relaxed will not only make it better for them but will also assist in assuring the best test possible.

We will keep your child sedated, pain-free, and calm, so that he is able to accept the medical interventions necessary. We work with the patient and family to determine the most appropriate sedation plan; then our board certified intensive care physicians administer the necessary medications and together with our specially trained and experienced nursing staff, carefully monitor your child’s response to those medications.

Whether your child needs medical testing on an inpatient or outpatient basis at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, our Pediatric Sedation Unit is here to serve you.

We are a separate division from anesthesiology, although children with complications may be referred there. Our PSU acts as a one-stop service for kids who need extra relaxation to have a test done, for example, an MRI or CT scan. We also take referrals from pediatricians working with children who have had bad testing experiences in the past. Our PSU staff members are all pediatric specialists and have the expertise that only working exclusively with children gives.

Sedation Center Eases Your Child’s (and Your) Fears

Sedation CenterNo one likes to visit the hospital for a medical procedure. For a child, the worry and anxiety can be especially overwhelming, but experts at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital seek to ease preoperative jitters by offering safe and painless sedation services.

“If a child needs difficult or invasive tests or procedures and is worried or frightened, our specialists can make sure that child is comfortable before, during and after the procedure,” says Joyce Deptola, RN, clinical nurse manager at the Pediatric Sedation Center.

Team of Specialists

Located on the fourth floor of the hospital’s Bishop Wing, the newly renovated center houses state-of-the-art technology specifically designed for pediatric patients.

Prior to treatment, each child is assigned a “sedation team,” comprised of a board certified physician, a pediatric nurse and a child life specialist. The child life specialist works with families to explain all procedures thoroughly and help decrease anxiety levels.

“The sedation team helps children to become more relaxed and less anxious, so that the necessary medical interventions can be performed,” Deptola says.

Working With Families

Before and during treatment, each sedation team works closely with patients and family members. This helps to ensure an optimal experience while administering the minimum amount of medication necessary.