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Pediatric Cancer & Blood Disorders

Search Pediatric Cancer & Blood Disorders

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Conditions & Treatments

Cancer in children, adolescents and young adults is very unique. The cancers that these age groups develop are different than those that most commonly affect adults. It is important for children and teens to be treated by a team of physicians, nurses and other caregivers who have expertise in treating cancers and blood disorders that children and young adults are more likely to experience. Our treatment protocols are specifically designed with children, teens and young adults in mind, and these patients respond better to these targeted regimens.

Conditions We Treat

Cancer in Babies & Children

Cancer in Adolescents & Young Adults

Pediatric Blood Disorders

Cancer Treatment

In addition to developing different types of cancers than adults, children and adolescents also respond to therapies in different ways and are more likely to have longer-term side effects following treatment. That is why the specialized pediatric and young adult cancer and blood disorder teams at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s approach diagnosing and treating these diseases in unique ways, giving young patients the best chance at overcoming cancer.

  • Surgery: UH Rainbow surgeons are skilled in performing the latest surgical techniques to treat pediatric and adolescent cancers
  • Radiation therapy: UH Rainbow uses some of the most advanced radiation technology, and is the only pediatric hospital in Northeast Ohio to offer proton therapy.
  • Chemotherapy involves medications used to treat cancer and is often used in conjunction with radiation, surgery and other therapies.
  • Immunotherapy, or biological therapy, uses the body’s own immune system to fight cancer. Among these promising therapies is CAR-T cell therapy, which is used to fight certain types of leukemia in children and young adults.
  • Marrow and cellular transplant: Stem cell and bone marrow transplant is used to treat a range of blood disorders, including leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell disease and aplastic anemia.
  • Clinical trials: At UH Rainbow, we are internationally recognized for our research in pediatric cancer and blood disorder therapies, which are improving survival rates among young patients. As part of an academic medical center, our patients have access to the latest medical advances and clinical trials.
  • Gene replacement therapy: This innovative therapy introduces genetic material into cells to replace faulty or abnormal genes or proteins. A promising therapy, gene replacement can be used to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer and genetic blood disorders such as hemophilia.
  • Palliative care: Children facing a serious illness such as cancer can benefit from the palliative care team at UH Rainbow, which offers pain management and other services to improve quality of life for patients.
  • Horticultural therapy: An all-natural therapy can provide physical, social and mental benefits to patients.

Cancer Prevention in Teens

The HPV Vaccine prevents about 30 percent of cancers in adults. Watch as John Letterio, MD, Division Chief, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospitals explains how this vaccine is a form of immunotherapy and will allow us to eradicate many HPV-related cancers in our lifetime.

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