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Safe Kids Coalition is Dedicated to Preventing Childhood Injuries

Safe Kids Coalition Greater Cleveland logoUniversity Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is the lead agency for the Safe Kids Greater Cleveland Coalition. The coalition is part of the Safe Kids Worldwide campaign, the first and only global organization dedicated solely to the prevention of unintentional childhood injuries. The Rainbow Injury Prevention Center coordinates local Safe Kids campaigns and events and offers resources from our Lending Library to coalition members. Rainbow and Safe Kids Greater Cleveland are committed to promoting the health of children in our region by addressing common injury areas, such as child passenger safety, fire and burn safety, water safety, and home safety.

The Safe Kids Greater Cleveland Coalition brings together health and safety experts, educators, corporations, government agencies and volunteers to educate and protect families in the Greater Cleveland area.

Safe Kids meetings are bi-monthly on the first Tuesday of every odd month (January, March, etc.), and allow members to share ideas and stay up-to-date on projects in the Greater Cleveland area. Membership in the Safe Kids Greater Cleveland Coalition is free to all members of the community who wish to volunteer their time to promoting children’s safety in Northeast Ohio.

To learn more about Safe Kids Greater Cleveland or to join the coalition, call 216-983-1110.