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Congenital Heart Disease Information and Resources

This page contains valuable information and educational resources for the families of children with congenital heart conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our experts address some of the common questions and concerns parents have when they learn their child has a congenital heart defect.

Support Services

Our Family and Child Life Services Department provides a variety of support services designed to enhance the experience of congenital heart patients and their families throughout their care journey.

Stories of Successful Outcomes

These are the stories of parents who faced a frightening diagnosis for their child, the amazing care they received and, ultimately, their happy endings.

Hearts at HOME Monitoring Program

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is the first pediatric heart program in northern Ohio to provide a specialized home care monitoring system, called Hearts at HOME (High-Risk Outpatient Monitoring and Education), for infants born with a single ventricle heart defect.