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Pediatric Neonatology Research

Research Pioneers of Newborn Care

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is one of the pioneers of newborn care. For more than 50 years, our researchers and physicians have conducted key clinical studies that have changed how we care for newborns.

Expanding upon the insight of our clinical pediatric research and studies, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital principal investigators have a rich tradition of modeling neonatal disease in the basic science laboratory to explore potential mechanisms underlying numerous NICU outcomes and to test novel therapies.



Cynthia Bearer, MD, PhD

An Expert on Neurotoxicants

Cynthia Bearer, MD, PhD, UH Rainbow chief of neonatology
Neonatology Chief at UH Rainbow Aims to Better Understand Protect, the Developing Brain

Richard Martin, MD

What is therapeutic drift?

Richard Martin, MD, UH Rainbow Neonatology
What is Therapeutic Drift and Why it is Dangerous in Newborn Care

Evaluation of intravenous immunoglobulin in infants with hemolytic disease

Researchers develop a new institutional guideline for the use of IVIG in severe hyperbilirubinemia.

Mary Nock, MD and Rita Ryan, MD

HIE alters the protein content of lipid rafts in the cerebellum

Cynthia Bearer, MD is the lead author of a study that evaluated the effect of neonatal exposure to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and shows an area of potential detriment secondary to HIE that persists with current treatments.

Understanding the role of extracellular calcium sensing receptor for better CPAP

A study by Richard Martin, MD and a team of researchers determine CaSR in CPAP effects on airway function with implications for wheezing in former preterm infants.

Understanding the How Human Milk Affects Wheezing in Black Infants

Anna Maria Hibbs, MD and colleagues find infants exclusively fed human milk had significantly fewer wheezing episodes than formula fed infants.