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Pediatric Endocrinology Research

Research that Moves Endocrinology Care Forward

Rose-Gubitosi-Klug, MD, PhD

Type 2 Diabetes

Rose Gubitosi-Klug, MD, PhD
Youth-onset Type 2 Diabetes Leads to Serious Complications As Soon As Young Adulthood, Major Study Finds

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is one of the pioneers in treating diabetes and other endocrine conditions. Our medical researchers and pediatric endocrinology specialists have been instrumental in conducting several landmark studies, clinical trials, and endocrine research.

UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital consistently ranks as one of America's best hospitals for endocrinology care by U.S. News & World Report. Advances developed here have shaped the care for children managing diabetes and other endocrine disorders and have not only saved lives but helped our patients achieve long-term wellness.

Setting the Standard of Care for Diabetes and Other Endocrine Disorders

An EDIC study participant holds an electronic device

Watch now: Rose Gubitosi-Klug, MD, PhD, chief of pediatric endocrinology & diabetes at UH Rainbow and EDIC’s current principal investigator, joins three trial participants to share what was learned from the trial and how it has transformed the management of type 1 diabetes for patients around the world.

In addition to conducting evidence-based research and clinical trials, our pediatric endocrine specialists sit on many regional, national, and international organizations for the profession, helping us keep our finger on the pulse of what’s new in the field. For example, we are involved in the American Diabetes Association, the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and other focused national organizations dedicated to treating children with endocrine issues.

For many of these national organizations, our ground-breaking research forms the foundation for new international guidelines and treatment innovations, such as the recent study demonstrating acceptance of continuous glucose monitoring in very young children and the current animal model research on medications to prevent diabetic eye disease.

As we continually evolve our care practices and push the boundaries of the standard of care, we are instrumental in setting national pediatric endocrinology best practices. We are constantly moving forward, and you can be confident the care your child receives at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s will be at the forefront of innovation.