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Driving Innovation in Pediatric Research

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s primary care pediatricians and pediatric specialists are involved in various of research projects. The team has published dozens of papers describing its work and discoveries, focused on a wide range of topics:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Central nervous system, neuropsychological and pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell anemia
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Environmental health and sustainability
  • Antibiotic use and resistance
  • Health outcomes and safety
  • Parental health literacy and self-efficacy
  • Assessing educational intervention for medical students and pediatric residents
  • Exercise physiology
  • Pediatric ethics
  • Office-based clinical research
  • Advancing adolescent health

Successful healthcare delivery depends heavily on up-to-the-minute research. Thanks to the generosity of families willing to participate in clinical trials, children worldwide stand to benefit from new knowledge and better treatments. Research drives innovations in medicine and increases caregivers’ understanding of children’s unique medical problems.

Practice-Tailored Facilitation

Practice-tailored facilitation is a program which ensures all general pediatricians within UH Rainbow practices are using evidence-based, national quality measures so that all UH Rainbow patients receive the highest standard of care. Researchers at To implement practice-tailored facilitation, UH Rainbow conducted a randomized clinical trial that assessed the impact of having a practice facilitator to improve provider ability to meet quality care standards in three critical areas: 1) obesity detection and counseling, 2) lead exposure screening and 3) fluoride varnish application to prevent tooth decay.

The study found that having a facilitator collaborate with the pediatricians helped to engage and motive the PCPs to drive improvement within their practices.