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Inborn Errors of Immunity Clinic Referrals

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s established the Inborn Errors of Immunity Clinic to serve patients in the Northeast Ohio/Great Lakes area. Backed by the resources and support of a full-service children’s hospital and academic medical center, our clinic is uniquely positioned to provide outstanding interdisciplinary IEI care that includes support from experts in diverse fields such as pediatric gastroenterology, hematology/oncology, rheumatology, dermatology, infectious diseases and transplant services.

Inclusion criteria for the clinic includes the following:

  1. Patients with specific IEI/PIDD diagnoses that have not established relationships with a UH Rainbow Clinical Immunology provider
  2. Patients that do not have a specific IEI/PIDD diagnosis but have high clinical suspicion of IEI/PIDD, a family history of IEI/PIDD, or known risks for secondary immunodeficiency based on previous diagnoses/treatments.
  3. Patients with congenital syndromes that are frequently, but not always, associated with immunodeficiency or immunodysregulation – for example, DiGeorge syndrome, CHARGE syndrome, Down syndrome and Cornelia de Lange syndrome.
  4. Positive neonatal screening with/without specific diagnosis (including Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) and idiopathic T cell lymphopenia).

Our clinic coordinator will screen patients for appropriateness of inclusion. Patients can be referred by their primary care physician, outpatient or inpatient subspecialties, inpatient primary team or inpatient immunology consultation team.

In cases that do not meet the inclusion criteria of our clinic, we will schedule the patient for an immunology visit with a UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s pediatric immunologist at any of their available locations.