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Pediatric Allergy/Immunology & Rheumatology Medical Professionals

Nationally Recognized Pediatric Allergists, Immunologists & Rheumatologists

The University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Division of Pediatric Allergy/Immunology & Rheumatology is a prominent leader in allergic and immunological patient care with advanced technology and conducts breakthrough clinical research.

Our nationally recognized allergists and immunologists welcome patient referrals to any of our convenient community locations. In addition, our physicians provide ongoing communication with the referring primary care physician to provide quality medical care for our patients.

Our board-certified physicians have extensive training and experience and offer comprehensive medical care to patients with various conditions ranging from common allergies and asthma to complex immunological disorders.

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Pediatric Allergy & Immunology

Pediatric Rheumatology

Pediatric Allergy Psychology

Leading Research in Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology

As a nationally renowned pediatric academic medical center, we are actively involved in basic, translational and clinical research in the areas of pediatric immunodeficiency, food allergies, asthma and eosinophilic disorders.