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Endovascular Neurosurgery Fellowship

Robust Clinical Experience in Endovascular Neurosurgery and Interventional Neuroradiology

The CAST-certified endovascular neurosurgery fellowship at University Hospitals, helmed by fellowship director Yin Hu, M.D., ensures its fellows receive proper training in all aspects of neurointerventional care. Under the instruction of five endovascular neurosurgery and interventional neuroradiology attendings, each year fellows participate in over 500 diagnostic angiograms and 300 interventional procedures, including over 100 stroke interventions and 75 aneurysm coiling procedures. Enfolded fellows from the Case neurosurgery residency have 2 protected years for both a "diagnostic" year and an "interventional" year.

We also accept qualified applicants from:

  1. Other neurosurgery residencies to complete the enfolded fellowship
  2. We accept applications for post-graduate candidates that have completed one of the following:
    • Neurosurgery residency
    • Neurology residency plus a Vascular Neurology Fellowship
    • Radiology residency plus a neuroradiology fellowship

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