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Meet the Board of Directors of the Parma Hospital Health Care Foundation

Bill Emrhein, Chair
Tom Basista, Vice Chair
Christina Dinklocker, Vice Chair/Secretary
Aldo Filippelli, Treasurer
Donna Koler, Asst. Treasurer
Michael Barkoukis, MD
Tim Boyko
Alex Carr
Dean DePiero
Michelle Devlin
Eugene Lovasy
Angelo N. Pimpas
Nino Seritti
Eliav Sharvit
Richard Ungvarsky, MD

Ex-Officio Members

Timothy Boyko, Chairman, Board of Directors, UH Parma
Brian Monter, President, UH Parma
Laverne Foster, President, Parma Hospital Auxiliary
Brad Bond, UH Representative

Active Trustees Emeritus

Irene Burma
Gayle Clapp, PhD
Edward C. Cottle, MD
Salvatore Felice
Charles M. Germana
Christine George
Jerry Herman
David Nedrich
James Rambasek, MD
Robert Verdile
Wendel Willmann


Marcia L. Ferguson, Executive Director

UH Support

Don Luscher, Regional Director of Development
Brad Clement, Attorney, University Hospitals

Learn More About Giving to UH Parma Medical Center

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