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Fundraising Vendor Calendar

The Auxiliary of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center oversees income generating projects, programs and enterprises to allocate financial and volunteer resources to support and enhance the patient experience and visitor experience.

Please view the Fundraising Vendor Calendar for upcoming events sponsored by The Auxiliary of UH Cleveland Medical Center.

On-Site Vendor Application

A vendor application form must be submitted to and accepted by the Auxiliary prior to an event at University Hospitals. By filling out and submitting this form, the vendor agrees to the guidelines outlines on the application form.

To apply for an on-site vendor event and to review the guidelines, please download the following form and fill out according to the instructions provided:

Completed forms can be mailed to:
Barbara Nalette
Volunteer Services Department
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
11100 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106

Any questions about the application process should be directed to Rosean Schmidt at roseaniphone@gmail.com, or the Volunteer Services Department at 216-844-1504.