What is Integrative Occupational Therapy?
Integrative occupational therapy assesses specific performance problems in daily living, and applies evidence-based therapeutic approaches to address the client’s goals. Utilizing a self-management approach, a patient’s personalized plan of care, functional goals and interventions can include:
- Proactive pain control
- Safe body mechanics training and ergonomic assessment
- Muscle tension reduction through mindfulness techniques
- Proactive problem solving
- Energy conservation
- Home exercise program for whole body conditioning with emphasis on yoga asana (poses)
- Stress reduction with emphasis on meditation and pranayama (breathing) practices
Integrative occupational therapy integrates yoga practice and principles to promote health and wellness when addressing function as related to chronic and acute conditions. Yoga instruction emphasizes the mind-body connection through mindfulness techniques and breath awareness in coordination with yoga poses.
What does Integrative Occupational Therapy Treat?
Our occupational therapist works with diagnoses including: upper body repetitive strain conditions, post-operative joint replacement and spine surgery recovery, arthritis, chronic pain, chronic disease, diabetes self-management, fibromyalgia and anxiety and depression in relationship to recovery from illness or surgery.
Please call 216-285-4070 to schedule your appointment.