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What to Expect During a Sleep Study

Sleep studies at UH Pediatric Sleep Center are child-friendly and focused because our expert team has developed a process that is comfortable and easy to manage for both children and parents.

Learn more about what to expect for the sleep study:

Preparing For A Sleep Study

Trained sleep specialists offer comprehensive, overnight sleep studies for children of all ages. These studies can be a fun “sleepover” experience for a child when the parent prepares ahead of time.

Planning for the Sleep Center

It is important not to start any new medications before the sleep study. Some medications can interfere with testing. Parents should contact their child’s physician with any questions about their child’s medications.

Knowing what will happen during the sleep study will further prepare both parent and child and contribute to a successful experience.

During the Sleep Study

Our pediatric team developed a process that is comfortable for both children and parents. We believe that a child’s sleep study will be a better experience for everyone if the parent and child understand the process and plan appropriately.

Child-Friendly Sleep Study: Step-by-Step Process

Sleep studies at UH Pediatric Sleep Center are child-friendly and focused because our expert team has developed a process that is comfortable and easy to manage for both children and parents. Upon arriving at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital or the nearby hotel, the parents and child will get settled into a comfortable bedroom. A sleep study technician will go through the process.

Overnight Sleep Test: Step-By-Step

If a daytime test is planned, it will happen after the night time study. This mean sleep latency testing works as follows:

  • The breathing sensors from the overnight sleep test are removed, but sleep sensors remain in place
  • The naps begin two hours after waking up from the overnight study
  • In between the naps, the parent and child will be out of bed, sitting, and engaged in quiet activities
  • During the naps, the parent must remain outside the sleep room
  • After the fifth nap, the technician will help remove the sensors, and then the parent and child can get ready to go home

If a child is scheduled for an overnight sleep study and nap study, plan to be at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital for about 20 hours.

Our step-by-step process can be seen through a photo gallery that shows the environment and process, including the child-friendly rooms and fun sensor stickers.

Discussing Your Child’s Sleep Study Results

Getting the Sleep Study Test Results at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

After the sleep study, parents can expect to get the results in about one to two weeks from the clinician who ordered the study. If the study was ordered by a sleep specialist, a follow-up appointment is planned with the same UH Rainbow sleep medicine specialist who first evaluated the child and ordered the sleep test to fully discuss the results and understand treatment recommendations.

If the study was ordered by the child’s primary care physician or another specialist, then they are responsible for reviewing the results with the family. If the family or referring physician wants the child and family to see the sleep medicine specialist to discuss the study results, the family can make an appointment with the specialist to discuss the results and next steps: 216-844-REST.

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