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Program Helps Teens Prepare for Adult Care and Management of Their Epilepsy

As part of our highly coordinated continuum of care, we provide a transition clinic for teenagers with epilepsy. The objective is to ease their progress into adult care and ultimately into independent management of their epilepsy.

The clinic is comprised of both pediatric and adult epileptologists and is designed to create a seamless transition of care for patients entering adulthood who have continuing medical issues.

We focus on the specific medical, social and emotional needs of teens and young adults with seizures and epilepsy, providing education and training to guide them in learning to self-manage their medical care.

University Hospitals is the only regional center to offer lifetime management of epilepsy through this nationally ranked pediatric and adult team. We help teens and young adults establish an independent approach to their seizure management by teaching them to manage their daily medications to optimize seizure control, establish good sleep hygiene, schedule their own medical appointments, and develop good communication with their physicians and nurses.

Our pediatric and adult epilepsy teams work together to provide teens and young adults with a smooth transition into the adult medical care environment.