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Nationally Ranked Children's Hospital for Gastroenterology

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is a full-service children’s hospital and academic medical center. Providing high-quality care for our young patients is our number one priority. We have experts in every pediatric subspecialty under our roof with specialty teams available across the northern Ohio region. As one of the top gastroenterology programs in the nation ranked by U.S. News & World Report, we use the latest, evidence-based diagnostic equipment, therapies and treatments available for patients with any gastrointestinal condition.

Moving the Needle on Quality Improves Patient Safety

Our team of digestive health specialists work at regional and national levels to help advance care quality by participating in several quality improvement initiatives including:

ImproveCareNow: An international quality improvement consortium works to improve diagnostics and treatment of children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Since January 2010, 81 percent of nearly 30,000 patients globally are in remission, and 54 percent have sustained remission for over one year. In addition, we work to move children with IBD off steroids to reduce the concern of long-term side effects while still actively managing their conditions with other methods. UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s is far above this average with 95 percent of our patients in steroid-free remission.

Endoscopy Safety: Performing an endoscopy procedure in children can be risky and cause complications, sometimes severe. These procedures, while routine, are particularly difficult in infants, toddlers and young children. Our highly experienced team is dedicated to ensuring patient safety. In three years, we have performed approximately 8,000 endoscopy procedures with zero serious safety events.