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Expert Care for Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction

Bladder and bowel dysfunction, also known as dysfunctional elimination syndrome, is when a child has problems passing urine or stool. This involves uncontrollable urination or involuntary bowel movements. Common bladder or bowel dysfunction symptoms include:

Bladder and bowel dysfunction can occur for various physical and psychological reasons. Gastrointestinal, or GI conditions, particularly those impacting the small and large intestines such as  inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), can also be a factor. The pediatric gastroenterologists at University Hospitals can help.

Treating Bowel and Bladder Issues at Our Biofeedback Clinic

The pediatric gastroenterology specialists at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s use targeted biofeedback therapy to treat children with bladder and bowel dysfunction and constipation.

Biofeedback electronically monitors body functions and is used to train patients to voluntarily control those functions. Anxiety, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, pain, urinary incontinence and constipation are some of the conditions treated with biofeedback therapy.

In children with elimination disorders, biofeedback targets pelvic floor muscles that work together to pass stools. This helps patients gain more control over these muscles and improve bowel control. Therapy sessions typically occur every two to four weeks for a total of five to six sessions.

Biofeedback can also be used to treat urinary incontinence, which can be caused by many different physical or psychological factors in children. Biofeedback in combination with behavioral modification and medication has proven to be an effective approach to treating constipation and urinary issues.