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Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics & Psychology

Transition to Adulthood Toolkit for Caregivers

Our toolkit offers resources for parents and caregivers to help make the transition to adulthood easier for both parent and a child with development disabilities. Topics addressed in our toolkit include self-help skills and adult decision-making, post-school planning, money and finances, medical care and employment.

Easing the Transition to Adulthood for Children with Developmental Disabilities

A child’s transition to adulthood can be overwhelming for any family, but it can be especially daunting for parents of children with developmental disabilities. This toolkit for parents and caregivers is designed to give you guidance as you prepare your child and yourself for this important life phase transition. It includes resources on topics such as self-help skills and adult decision-making, post-school planning, money and finances, medical care and employment. Download and review our toolkit materials to ease this transition and help your child feel more comfortable and prepared in their journey toward adulthood.

Transition to Adulthood Toolkit

Health Talks

Adult Transition Planning

In this talk, Beth Thompson from Milestones Autism Resources discusses steps toward transition to adulthood including steps toward post-secondary education and/or vocation. Milestones is a resource for individuals of all ages with autism, but this talk overviews many steps in the adult transition process relevant for children with many other developmental disabilities. This talk also includes additional transition resources for families.

What Happens When My Child Turns 18?

This talk was hosted by Hickman, Lowder, Lidrbauch, and Welch Co., LPA. The presenters review the special education IEP transition planning process in detail including special education rights of caregivers and individuals and responsibilities of the school district. There is also a section discussing the many options for supported adult decision making such as guardianship, but also reviews many less restrictive alternatives. SSI and Medicaid are also discussed.

STABLE Account or Special Needs Trust?

This talk was hosted by Hickman, Lowder, Lidrbauch, and Welch Co., LPA. The presenters review two common methods of financial planning including the STABLE Account and Special Needs Trusts. The difference between these two tools is discussed as well as how each may benefit those with special needs.