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Pediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus Research

The Center for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus combines the specialized care of University Hospitals Eye Institute with the world-renowned physicians of University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. Our research and innovation efforts reflect the importance of addressing child-centered clinical needs for delivery of care and specialization of services. To this end, innovations, big and small, help us provide the most advanced patient-focused care possible.

At UH Rainbow, we utilize cutting-edge technology – including 3-D ocular ultrasonography (invented and only available at UH Rainbow worldwide), optical coherence tomography (OCT), wide field photography, angiography, ICG photography, red free photography, and electrophysiology – to diagnose and treat eye diseases. With our Case Western Reserve University School of Engineering partnership, we develop and utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to understand disease trends and demographics in various problems.

Dr. Örge and his team developed an algorithm and education platform to help track treatment compliance remotely. The web-based application allows patients and family members to input information about their treatment follow-through and home-based eye exams. Using the algorithm optimizes continuity of care and provides physicians with more accurate information about how patients follow prescribed treatment between visits.

Likewise, pediatric ophthalmologists at UH Rainbow developed Retflix, a phone case with a mirror and a peephole, that enables them to conduct eye exams while children at all ages watch videos. The Retflix device is being used at more than 20 other eye centers across the world.

Throughout our organization, powerful state-of-the-art technology and continually advancing patient-centered care enable more precise diagnosis and treatment of patients, making the difference between good care and clinical excellence, for the benefit of our patients.