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Our highly skilled eye specialists and scientists collaborate internationally to advance research, surgical training, and standard patient care. Hi-tech webinars and simulation technology developed nationally under the leadership of our experts at UH Rainbow, including the strabismus and retinoscopy simulators, ensure most advanced teaching tools in clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatments benefit patients and clinicians across the globe.

Our team is part of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, a National Eye Institute inter-professional organization dedicated to research and the publication of landmark clinical trials in ophthalmology. They likewise attend and present at regional, national and international meetings (such as World Ophthalmology Congress, International Strabismus Association, European Ophthalmolmic Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology,  etc.) to share knowledge and collaborate in the advancement of pediatric ophthalmology care and research throughout the world. Faruk H. Örge MD, FAAO, FAAP, division chair of ophthalmology is a past president of IPOSC International Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Council).

Dr. Örge’s innovations in teaching include work with Orbis-Cybersight, an organization dedicated to improving eye care globally, the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus (AAPOS), and AAO, with interests in telemedicine, live webinars, online journal clubs, and unique learning tools such as an interactive strabismus and retinoscopy simulators. He is now leading the transformative educational efforts under the newly formed AAO Virtual Reality Center,