Under The Rainbow - Winter 2018
Showing of 8 results
Why Cotton Swabs Aren't the Best Way to Clean Your Ears
Using a cotton swab to clean the inside of your ears could be doing more harm than good.
How to Help Your Child Choose a Sport
Here’s how you can help your kids find -- and succeed at -- the sports that speak to them.
Why Most Children's Diets Lack Good Food
Many young children aren’t being exposed to the foods – especially fruits and vegetables – that will set them on a healthy path.
Grade School Bullying Can Lead to High School Substance Abuse
Recent research suggests that kids who are bullied in grade school are at an increased risk for substance abuse in high school.
New Advice on Preventing SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths
Doctors can’t always tell the specific causes of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), the sudden, unexplained death of a baby younger than age 1. Learn about the key risk factors.
How a Former Patient Now Devotes Her Career to Helping Others
After beating cancer as a young adult, Jennifer Giesel supports young patients through their cancer experience.
Watch Out for These 4 Holiday Choking Hazards
Some everyday items around your house can be a potential safety hazard for your young child. Learn how to keep your child safe.
What to Expect from High-Risk Pregnancy Care
If you’re a mother-to-be whose pregnancy isn’t routine, your doctor or nurse-midwife may refer you to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist for extra care.